Anyone tried Voodoo or TG Audio PCs?

Everyone here seems to rave on the BMI Whale Elite powercords. But at $400+/cord, it is a bit hard to swallow for me to buy 5 cords. I've noticed two other PCs for around $200 -$250. One is the Voodoo Mana, and the other is the TG Audio HSR-i. Has anyone tried these cords? Is the Whale Elite that much better that it is worth $400?

My system consists of:
digital source: Mark Levinson #37 (transport) + Genesis Digital Lens + Sonic Frontier SFD2 MkII (D/A)
analog source: Michell Orbe SE + SME V + Benz cartridge
phone stage: ARC PH3 SE (detachable PC)
preamp: ARC LS-2B MkII (no detachable PC)
amp: Mark Levinson #333 (no detachable PC)
The digital fronts and the preamp are running through a PS Audio P300 with 2 Synergistic Master Coupler and 1 Marigo PCs. The P300 is plugged into the wall through a MIT Z-Cord I. I've just started setting up my analog rig, so I've been looking for a powercord for my phono stage, one to replace the Z-cord, and if I noticed that much of a difference, replace those on the digital front.

Any suggestion on how to proceed from here would be gratly appreciated too. Maybe a comgination of various PCs?
Well, no reply from Voodoo for the PC challange. I guess they are afraid to stand behind their products. I have decided to get the PS Audio lab cable for my P300, and a Whale Elite and a HG Audio HSR-i to try.
Sorry, but we never received a "PC challenge" from you. If you are genuinely interested, please contact me at I also understand that there will soon be a power cords "shootout" review featuring the VooDoo Mana Power Cord among others at
Voodoo, thanks for responding to the thread, and thanks for responding to my email inquiry.
Received an e-mail from Bruce from Voodoo Audio. I am hoping to set something up for the local audiophile society comparing several powercords. Sorry Bruce for not been able to update this sooner.
I have recived 2 Voodo Mana cords for my review and so far had very good feeling about them. Good build quality and better overall preformance then HT PRO 11 on my power amps. Still no match for BMI whales yet, but seem to be quite good in it's price category. More on it later
Leon Rivkin