In agreement with Marakanetz, Rega carts always left me a little cold. One cart that works great on Rega arms AND Naim pre-amps is the Goldring Excel (retail $1200) if you can find one (discontinued?). Especially for Jazz, Classical, Folk, intimate World Music recordings, etc...
Never heard VDHull. How is that cart on other arms?
The other cart you might try (get ready to laugh your ass off but I'm serious) is the Audio Technica 120e for only $53 thru Garage-a-Records online. Most AT's sound bad on Rega arms but this one rocks! Esp. good w/ rock and high energy jazz (Miles Davis etc...). Also conveys enough dtail & realism to do the other genres as well. Might seem out-of-context at this price point but by the same token you have nothing to lose!
Never heard VDHull. How is that cart on other arms?
The other cart you might try (get ready to laugh your ass off but I'm serious) is the Audio Technica 120e for only $53 thru Garage-a-Records online. Most AT's sound bad on Rega arms but this one rocks! Esp. good w/ rock and high energy jazz (Miles Davis etc...). Also conveys enough dtail & realism to do the other genres as well. Might seem out-of-context at this price point but by the same token you have nothing to lose!