Cartridge suggestions for Rega P9

I have a new Rega P9 with the RB1000 and I am using a Van den Hul MC10 Special cartridge. I have Naim equipment and was wondering if there are suggestions for a better match of cartridge? I sometimes feel that I am not getting enough out of the current one.
In agreement with Marakanetz, Rega carts always left me a little cold. One cart that works great on Rega arms AND Naim pre-amps is the Goldring Excel (retail $1200) if you can find one (discontinued?). Especially for Jazz, Classical, Folk, intimate World Music recordings, etc...

Never heard VDHull. How is that cart on other arms?

The other cart you might try (get ready to laugh your ass off but I'm serious) is the Audio Technica 120e for only $53 thru Garage-a-Records online. Most AT's sound bad on Rega arms but this one rocks! Esp. good w/ rock and high energy jazz (Miles Davis etc...). Also conveys enough dtail & realism to do the other genres as well. Might seem out-of-context at this price point but by the same token you have nothing to lose!
The Denon DL103 will work in the Rega arm and sounds superb. Only around $200. Sounds alot like a Koetsu black. I use one and really like it. Also recommend Shelter 501 or 901, superb carts. The 901 is a contender for one of the best, and costs about $1300.
The low output MM/iron Grado Reference line sound fantastic on the Rega tables. You'll need a spacer ring, but it is cheap and simple to install.
Thanks for the all the replies.
I agree that the Van den Hul MC10 is a very good cartridge and I will probably consider a pre-pre amp.
The P9 with RB1000 is a fantastic sounding TT. Much more detail and more full sound compared to the P3.