Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?

Hi All,
I am currently using an arc ph-3 which is set up for my rega super elys. I just got a new Basis 2500/graham/ruby 2 and find the ph-3 is set too low. I'm going to try clipping in some of the supplied ARC resistors. In searching around I see that quite a few people recommend a solid state preamp with this low output of a cartridge.

What is the best phono stage for a .3mv ruby 2 ?

I have heard that the new lukaschek is quite good with this combination. I also have a used aleph ono on the way.

My system is aleph P/aleph 2/avanti centuries. I do have a vk-5i pre that I'll try with the different phono stages.
Well, the current "best" phono stage today is probably the new Boulder unit -- but it costs $29,000, so you may want to consider some others. In the "reasonable" range of phono stages, here are several that have gotten very good reviews:

1. The Manley Steelhead (about $7500 new) -- the phono preamp that has a lot of the audio reviewers singing its praises.

2. Tom Evans "The Groove" phono preamp -- hand-built in England, this is the unit that Harry Pearson of TAS has been raving about. It's about $3000. There is a less expensive model now available, and there is an ad here on A-gon for it. See the following link:

3. Balanced Audio Technology VK-P10 ($4000 new)

4. Conrad-Johnson Premier 15 ($4400 new)

5. Pass Labs Aleph Ono ($2500 new)

6. Lehmann Audio Silver Cube ($2100 new)

Dropping down into the next level, here are some of the best phono preamps to think about:

7. Linn Linto ($1600 new)

8. AcousTech PH-1 ($1200 new)

9. Camelot Technology Lancelot Pro ($1000 new)

10. Lehmann Audio Black Cube SE ($879 new)
I also have a PH3 and currently use it as a back up phono. Changing the resistors won't effect the gain just cartridge loading. My current mc cartridge is .4mv and I use a Klye Audio Art phono with it. I have used the Pass phono in the past and has plenty of gain to push your Ruby 2. Good listening.
Is Pass Ono still in production?
I dare to add to the Sdcampbell list Aestethic IO phono that i belive has an excellent value but expencive.
You can also shop for good step-up tranny that i believe in your situation will save you a buck or two:
Ortophon T100, EAR 834T?, AudioNote in the range of $1000.
The ono is not in production - I got a used one. Wow! Lots of helpful responses. I'm most anxiously looking for feedback on the T9 (newer) lukaschek that TAS gave a product of the year to in 2000. More importantly, I read in an albertporter post that this was quite a good phono stage.

It would also be nice to use something that small because it will tuck in behind (or under ?) my record player & allow me to use an ultra-short phono cable.
Add to the high-priced choices the Lamm phono stage, which is dead quiet and has about 57db of gain, more than enough for my .2mv Koetsu. If you like the sound of the PH3, you could consider the MC version of the Herron, a very nice unit and available for reasonable prices used. And the Pass phono stage should work nicely with your preamp sonically. I would be careful with step-ups, they can be more trouble than you'd think with hum problems and add another set of interconnects into the equation.