Best Phono stage for a .3 mv Ruby 2 ?

Hi All,
I am currently using an arc ph-3 which is set up for my rega super elys. I just got a new Basis 2500/graham/ruby 2 and find the ph-3 is set too low. I'm going to try clipping in some of the supplied ARC resistors. In searching around I see that quite a few people recommend a solid state preamp with this low output of a cartridge.

What is the best phono stage for a .3mv ruby 2 ?

I have heard that the new lukaschek is quite good with this combination. I also have a used aleph ono on the way.

My system is aleph P/aleph 2/avanti centuries. I do have a vk-5i pre that I'll try with the different phono stages.
Add to the high-priced choices the Lamm phono stage, which is dead quiet and has about 57db of gain, more than enough for my .2mv Koetsu. If you like the sound of the PH3, you could consider the MC version of the Herron, a very nice unit and available for reasonable prices used. And the Pass phono stage should work nicely with your preamp sonically. I would be careful with step-ups, they can be more trouble than you'd think with hum problems and add another set of interconnects into the equation.
Pass Labs has very high gains phono stages available in two versions Pass X-Ono (current version) and Aleph Ono (older version). Both phono stages has as high as 73 db gains for MC cartridge and are fully adjustable to suit your cartridge loading impedance.

I've never heard the X-Ono but have been using Aleph Ono for a while. It sounds really good with my Ortofon Rohman which has .25mV output even the fact that it is a solid state gear. Actually it is the only SS gear I have in my audio system. When using very low output MC, SS phono stages are preferable because it has much lower noise than tube units.

If you prefer tube gears, adding step-up transformer before your phono stage is a good way to go. It's easy and economical.

Hope this information would help.
I own an Aleph Ono and love it, especially after the latest update from Pass LAbs. I am using a Kontrapunkt B (Thanks, member Mrstereo!) and a Fidelity Research FR1 MK3 F. The latter is 0.17 mv, much lower output than yours. This latter cartridge is clean, sweet and detailed, and is the best I have heard it in the Ono. The Kontrapunkt is as vivid as a thunderclap! Let us know how you make out!
I used a Benz Ruby w/ the Pass Ono and was well served. The Pass had more than enough gain. It's not a flashy combo and it won't sound particularly dramatic. A very even presentation with very good detail without getting clinical.
John, one reason the lukaschek is such a great match for the Benz is that they are built by the same guy. That particular phono stage was voiced with a Benz.

If you want the ultimate, the Io Signature with dual supplies has 80 DB of gain. I just got my new one today and even with my Koetsu (.02 MV) I had to reduce the gain by 6 DB to begin to match my SACD player.

Nice to have great sound with gain to throw away.