Help with chosing a new speaker cable.

I am using Audioquest Midnight at the present time with a pair of Martin Logan Aerius I,s along with a Forte model 4 amp and model 44 preamp. Mostly listen to Jazz and Blues.
What would you recommend. I have be thinking about Mapleshade Double Helix.
Hi, fellow Martin Logan lover here. Have the Ascents and I'm going through a major search for the rite speaker cabels. First you have to biwire to make the Logans lite up the way they truely can! This was a revelation to my ears. Getting the Logans to sound rite is not easy,i,ve tried a lot of cabels they all have sonic signatures. The winner and I,m ordering as I write this is KimberX bifocal. Expensive,although sometimes seen used. Band to band flat,detail you won't beleive most of all this cabel gives a beleivability to the music! Try a pair from the cabel co. thats what I'm doing. Also the Aural Symphonics is very good but they don,t have the biware out yet.

Good Luck David in L.A.
Take a look at! I'm currently using their octet speaker cable--which replaced AQ Midnight 3. The octet is much better IMHO.
Thanks for the help. I went to my Martin Logan dealer and he suggested Acoustic Zen. I am going to try them out to see how they sound. I will let you know. I also added a MSB Dac Link III with upsampling and powerbase about 3 months ago. This really made a big improvement in my system.
Thanks again for the help.