Interest in an interconnect

Hello there, this is my first post here. My business friend and I have been kicking around the idea of starting an online interconnect "library" where it would be possible to rent interconnects. Our plan would involve a small one-time fee of perhaps 5 or 10 dollars, and would include your first rental. Thereafter, a one week checkout would also be about 10 bucks. Additionally, with each rental we would include a formatted page for you to fill out with your current system and a brief (1 paragraph or so) review of the sound with that particular interconnect and, ultimately, what was purchased; subsequent rentals of that interconnect would include these previous comments so that comparisons could be made.

Is there any interest in this sort of setup? What about pricing? If you have any helpful feedback, positive or negative, please post and let me know.

Thanks for your time!
This sounds like an excellent idea and something that i too have thought about. While the Cable Company offers something along the same lines, it is not quite what you described. Letting the public access the various cable reviews and info could be VERY helpful.

Since cables can be so "flavorful" or system dependent, there really is a need to try several different makes / models to see what works best. It is strange that something as simple as various wire configurations could make such a drastic difference ( good OR bad ) with all of the money that we have put into active electronic circuitry and components.

You better devise some type of "fool proof" plan on inspecting returns and how to bill people for "damage" along with the appropriate disclaimer. While i think that most people are honest and try to be "straight up", it is amazing what people can do when making simple connections.

You might also want to restructure your price on "rentals". I won't go into details here, but you would be out of business REAL fast at the rate that you're talking. Sean
I don't want to rain on your parade, but the Cable Company has a pretty extensive library--and it's free. You can check anything out. They charge your credit card the amount of the cable and then refund the money when they get the cable back. It's a good way to try multiple cables--you just have to be sure you don't go into next months billing cycle while you're trying the cables.
Well, my immediate reaction is: not a bad idea. I'd be willing to pay a nominal fee to try out expensive interconnects and speaker cables (which you might also want to offer) that I wouldn't buy without trying. I also like the aspect of being able to rent without feeling a sense of obligation to a retail dealer.

I don't see this business venture as a big revenue generator, since the audiophile community isn't very big, and the number of audiophiles that would be interested in your rentals would be a smaller subset of audio hobbyists. From a business perspective, your idea sounds more like a part-time business endeavor, but it might grow enough to keep one guy busy. The cost-to-profit ratio is something you will need to consider: how much do you need to make for this idea to be worthwhile to you, both personally and financially?

From your side of the equation, you will obviously have some start-up costs: buying the interconnects and/or speaker cables; getting an Internet site going; etc. You might want to talk to some other small business owners in the interconnect/cable field, such as and HomeGrownAudio. They can give you some insight into the practical and business issues.
...Well well Sometimes it's not going to make a sence unless you're guys going to be paying at least for shipping.
If I would pay for shipping + rental price of the cables of $10/weekly then they have to be realy costly cables.
Following up on Sd above, I would also suggest you run this idea by cable manufacturers, both mega and small, with an objective to obtaining the matl for free. The library could be be a one-to-one marketing place for them...