bad experiences buying on line

I am currently trying to get a piece of equipment I purchased on AudiogoN. I sent the gentleman payemnt almost a month ago and I keep getting lame excuses as to why it hasn't been sent. Am I the only one to have these problems?
Call him on the phone & ask for the item or your money back today. A month is more than enough. Also, contact Audiogon to make them aware of this seller's behavior. If he has a history of this type of behavior they can deal with him.
You are entitled to be more than annoyed. I agree with the fellow and demand your equipment or a refund. I would be careful to document everything and agree that contacting Audiogon would be prudent at this point. Good luck
Audiogon doesn't like this sort of stuff, let them know(as stated above) if you don't get the product or your money back they will more then likely create a dispute and in the end he could lose his membership- this isn't something to take laid back. When someone sends payment the product should ship out immediatly. What is the sellers feedback? it may be a good indication of what will happen. Good luck ~Tim
I had the same problem with a Canadian seller and I called the constable in the town where the guy lived . The constable went over to the guys house and made him ship the item and it got here about a week later. So if he's Canadian you can get somebody to do something.Good-luck
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