VPI Scout.

Want to get back into analog to A superior level. Have heard the entry level Basis,and Clearaudio,very good.Do not think the Regas,or the Music Halls are in the same league,as the VPI,Basis,or the Clearaudio. Has any one had A chance to listen to the three contenders. I am tired of my old direct drive from the early 70's. I am going to get A Monolithic,or E.A.R.834 Phono pre amp? Is there any suggestions? Thanks to all you Analog people. Just know the sound is still quite A bit more to my likeing. Have heard the less expensive VPI Ssout thought it was great
Twl--do you get a commission on those Teres sales? Just kidding. I know nothing about the Teres, but Twl has applauded it so much I'm at least curious now. The problem is--where are the dealers? If I were to consider one I would want to see it, hear it, before I bought it. (although I doubt I'll be giving up my turntable anytime soon--I still want to see it and hear it). For a new person into analog I don't thing even a simple kit is a good idea. This is an area where having a dealer that knows about turntables is a real benefit. Setting up a turntable is not that difficult once you've done a few. And once you've done a few hundred you learn a few tricks along the way to do it even better. But if you've never done it--well, I don't think a kit is such a great idea. The Teres is at a price level that I think dealer involvement is important for most buyers. I'm sure there are some contrary opinions--but one way to get turned off of analog fast is to buy a $1k or more turntable, set it up wrong, and wonder why your CDs sound so much better. I think the VPI scout is a great table and a great value. There are also dealers litterally everywhere for this table. I'm not discounting the Teres, in fact I'd really like to hear one--and perhaps the set up issue is not an issue, but I thought I should bring it up just the same.
Rives, the Teres is a factory direct product, and available either as a kit or complete. No dealer network. There are several hundred of them out there now, but I don't know if there are any owners in your area.

No, I don't get any commission off the promotion that I do for Teres. I only try to let people know of a good value that I found, so they can benefit from it. Audiogon member "Musicdoc" also has a Teres, and from what I have gathered from his posts, he agrees with my statements about the quality and the sound. Maybe he lives near you. The factory is in Colorado.

As far as exposure goes, the dealer network would be nice, but would also add to the price. They do exhibit at major audio shows like CES and VSAC. I was reading a report from one of the exhibits last year, and the room that was using the Teres TT was mentioned as one of the best sounding rooms at the show. They were running some pretty well respected amps and speakers, but I forget which brands they were.

At any rate the Teres is a very good TT. It is well worth a listen, if you can find an owner or go to a show. Whether anyone ultimately agrees about the level being up to a TNT or Verdier, is not actually the main issue. Just the fact that a TT under $2k is even mentioned alongside these other fine expensive TTs speaks for itself. IMO there is no competition for the Teres at its price level.

There is one "spin-off" company called Redpoint Audio, that uses a Teres bearing and makes their own version that they claim is better than a Teres for about $3k. I looked at their website, and I thought that they were just plain ugly. They might sound good though. They look kind of like a garage-made DIY project, and the Teres looks really clean and professional. At first glance, many would think that the Teres basic model was a Clearaudio Reference. They look that good. But the Teres has a crystal clear polished acrylic platter, instead of the frosted acrylic that Clearaudio uses. Style is very similar, with a thick acrylic platter and base, with shape and size very similar also. Appearance and build quality is at least on par with the Clearaudio Reference. I feel that the Teres bearing is superior to the Clearaudio Reference, as is the motor system. The price however, is only 1/4 as much as the Clearaudio Reference. This reflects factory direct wholesale pricing, and no need to pay off design costs, since the design was an international collaboration of designers who donated their efforts to the project. So, what do you get with a Teres? You get a world class TT with nearly entry level TT pricing, due to the high quality design, and the factory-level pricing structure. Some people may have difficulty finding one to hear. I bought mine without ever hearing it first. I took a chance, because of the great comments that I read from people whose opinions I respected. I was not disappointed. It was everything they said it was, and more. I don't see myself ever getting a new TT, unless it was a Walker or a Rockport.
And I don't see that happening anytime soon.
I have right now the MMF7 turntable with Golden Eroica cartridge and 834P phono stage. They are matched and sound awsome to me and also affordable high end analog (under $2000.00). Later on you can upgrade the Ecc83(3)of 834P phono stage so you can get a much much better sound. I also have Premier 17LS preamp and just upgraded to a top of the line ECC88/6922 tubes CCa Siemens and Telefunken. The sound has much more dynamic, transparent, details and huge soundstage. For now I am satisfied with my analog for couple year then I will step up to the Nottingham Interspace with SME tonearm and Benz micro Ruby. That is my future analog system. Good luck.
Best value in analog is the Nottingham Space Table/Arm
combo. List for $2500. Can be found at a discount.

Makes music and is easy to set up.
Can someone tell me how much height between shelves the Scout requires in acutal use (to be able to comfortably take records and clamp on and off)?