VPI Scout.

Want to get back into analog to A superior level. Have heard the entry level Basis,and Clearaudio,very good.Do not think the Regas,or the Music Halls are in the same league,as the VPI,Basis,or the Clearaudio. Has any one had A chance to listen to the three contenders. I am tired of my old direct drive from the early 70's. I am going to get A Monolithic,or E.A.R.834 Phono pre amp? Is there any suggestions? Thanks to all you Analog people. Just know the sound is still quite A bit more to my likeing. Have heard the less expensive VPI Ssout thought it was great
Best value in analog is the Nottingham Space Table/Arm
combo. List for $2500. Can be found at a discount.

Makes music and is easy to set up.
Can someone tell me how much height between shelves the Scout requires in acutal use (to be able to comfortably take records and clamp on and off)?
Nottingham handsdown. I had the vpi aries/benz riby combo for years and just upgraded to the Hyperspace/Anna arm/benz ruby. You will get deeper bass and a rich and mellower midrange. Much more inner detail. The Vpi was a bit on the thin and analytic side