What is the next Phono Pre-Amp for me?

I currently use an ARC PH3SE phono pre-amp with an ARC LS 25 L/S.
My cartridges are Lyra Helikon (reg output) and the Benz med output MC.

What would you recommend as my next step up?

Herron? The Groove??

I am open to suggestions!

What's the rest of your system? Are you sure the ph3se is the weak link? Only a handful will best that one. Some to consider (in addition to yours & your choices) is the BAT VKp10 and VKP10SE, the ARC Ref Phono, Aesthetix, Manley Steelhead, and I'm sure a few others...
What interconnect and speaker cables are you using? An upgrade in cables may improve the sound considerably.
Thanks all! My ARC PH3SE is running well and I am happy with it..however, just wondering what is the next level "up". My speakers are Infinity RS 1-B's and amps are ARC VT 100mkll and Perreaux 2150 for base.
I just upgraded my active servo crossover (big impovement) and changed all my cables (IC) to Acoustic Zen...Silver, Matrix and WOW....This was a major improvement.
Speaker cables are Alpha Gore and I am considering Zen there also. I have not heard the Aesthetix IO (heard good reports on it however.....or The Groove or Herron.....just interested in what the next level up would be?
I recently upgraded from a PH-3se to an Aesthetix Io. There was a huge improvement with the Io and that was with a Benz Glider. I am waiting for my Helikon SL to arrive- can't wait to hear that cartridge!
The following are excellent:

Aesthetix IO Signature
LAMM LP2 Deluxe
Manley Steelhead

I have tried many others and these are my favorites. If you hit the lottery, the word is that the Boulder is unreal.