New TT for around 2000--- need some advice

Hi all, I'm looking to spend about 2k on table and arm to upgrade from my Rega P25.
I was thinking gof a VPI Mk IV with a Rega arm but I really don't know what else is out there. I have a small room so vibrations are a concern for me and I thought a suspension tt would be the ticket. I have now heard good things about the Teres turntables but haven't investigated it too much....

I was looking for some advice on which tt would be a good option for me. Should I save for an Aries, stick with the mk IV or maybe the Teres or some other company I have yet to hear of. I am looking for an intimate sound with a controlled taut bass and a wide soundstage while retaining the timing thing I think the Rega has going for it. I like my P25 but want to know what the next level is like. Thanks in advance for ANY advice and happy listening!
Don't bother going to Deja Vu unless the owner Mr. Vu is in the shop at the time. I've had useless, time-wasting experiences there when he is out, leaving inexperienced kids to run the joint in his absence.

Whatever you get, don't throw a lot of money at something you are going to set up on a Salamander rack if it's an Archetype; get it off there entirely, like with a good wall-mount. If it's a Synergy, go ahead and use it if you must (as I have to), but only with a separate isolated TT platform added on top.
my aries is on a salamander rack on a wooden floor in a fairly small room. I did need some isolation (desperately) back when I had a p25, but only when I moved up in cartridges from a grado master (around 4.5mV I think) to a grado statement at .5mV. The higher end cart on the planar required the isolation but when I installed the Aries it was not at all as essential (maybe due to the weight of the aires with it's motor.) I could hear SOME improvement when I put the isolation back in to test things, so I do still use it.
I'm using 2 small bicycle inner tubes to isolate. 1st I tried them under a piece of medium density fibreboard ("mdf") as recommended by some folks; i.e. the tubes on the top salamander shelf, the mdf on the tubes, the tt on the mdf. I didn't like the sound so I replaced the mdf board with an extra salamander shelf I had (a much harder platform then the mdf), and voila! This worked better than some expensive iso platforms I had auditioned; and being barely visible it's way nicer looking.
Interesting info about supports. I bought the Salamder Synergy for the looks not really the isolation properties it may or may nothave. I was thinkin of going the Marble slab/mdf/granite on top of Vibrapods/inner tube route. I'll see though.

I hope Mr. Vu is in when I do stop by Deja Vu as he does sell Nottingham turntables and I really would like to hear one. Does anyone have a rec for a cart to use on say a Aries or Spacedeck? My dealer recs Grado or Bez Glider for the VPI...Looking to spend about $800 new...maybe a phono stage woudl be a better place to spend money though??
Anyways back to work, have to pay for this stuff somehow :o)
Depending on the arm,the Eurolab distributed by Audio Advancements/Hart was given a Golden Ear Award in 2001 TAS.It was recommended to me by an audio dealer I previously worked for-no profit for him!Call Hart at 973-875-8705 and forget about PLCs and SDS.Both need recalibration after you shut them down-personal experience.Instead,try Walker Motor controller as an after market upgrade.Good luck! Tom