Harmonic Tech Vs Acoustic Zen

I have been back and forth with this. I need to know which company has better sounding cables, Acoustic Zen or Harmonic Tech. I know Robert Lee was affiliated with HT, but does his new line surpass the infamous Harmonic Tech? Their methods are the same, so what makes one better than the other (or not)? One item in particular is the HT Cyberlink Platinum coax Vs the Silver Photon. Thanks!
I agree with Ejlif about AZ being better than Harmonic Tech cable. I think Robert Lee saved his best work for his own company.
Ejlif I am very interested in your experience with Krakatoa
AC cord, especially in light of the fact you owned Shunyata
KC and prefered the AZ Krakatoa. Have you tried the Tsunami
AC cord? I've been thinking of trying it since price is very
reasonable at $350 if it performs anything like Krakatoa,
could be a big winner. I would be surprised if it wasn't good as the digital cables and speaker cables are superb.

I wonder if new HT "magic" cables close the gap
and are close to performance of AZ products? Have not heard any myself.
Kira AZ product line-up

Please bookmark www.google.com this is the best search engine by far, can find your info in a flash!
I have used the HT Cyber copper and the AZ Silver Photon and, IMO, the AZ Photon is the better sounding cable. Both are at $99. ea., but picked up AZ for $89 shipped.
The HT copper was good, mind you, but I just prefered the Photon.
Never tried the HT Cyber Platinum, so perhaps I am off base with my comparison. Anyway, my .02