VPI aries scout, Nottingham innerspace...

I am looking for advice from people that have hands on experience with the following tables. A local dealer (s) has the following tables available. After a bad experience with buying a used table I am buying LOCAL (ten minutes away) and NEW (for a change):

a) Nottingham Innerspace with standard arm; no cartridge. Lovely turquoise base and the usual trick looking arm. retail is 1500;

b) VPI Aries Scout with radial arm.....1500 retail but might have to wait some time to get one due to high demand according to local dealer;

c) Rega p25 w/rb600.....used but "as new" for 800...no cartridge;

d) Basis..entry level (clear base, no suspension) table..no arm....1200 retail.

Please note I have an "almost brand new ( > 20 hr's)" Audio Note ARM2 (rb300 w/ litz silver wire and Audio Note 99.9% silver interconnect) with a Madrigal Carnegie cartridge in excellent condition (ie; don't need a cartridge but DO need a high quality transformer or phono preamp that can handle a low output cartridge...my McIntosh C22 preamp phono cannot quite handle the low level of this cartridge).

So, my choice is to buy one of the first three tables, sell the Audio Note arm and cartridge, and buy a cartridge, OR...buy a basic table and mount my arm and cartridge which then entails me acquiring a decent transformer or phono preamp. The second choice seems a bit more expensive to me as the sale of the Arm will help finance the purchase of a new table.

The idea of buying a table with a "same MFR arm" appeals to me at this point, too, as I do not do my own setup and service and rely on the local professional.

I am in Berkeley and am shopping at Musiclovers Audio (Nottingham, Rega, and VPI) and SF Stereo (Basis).

I am leaning toward the VPI since it is made in America and the company has been around a long time. I am leery of the Nottingham because I just had a bad experience with a company from the Isles.

I am also interested in a cartridge recommendation for any of the above rigs. A Benz cartridge, preferably high output coil and not too expensive (less than 500...), recommendation is appreciated.

Want to do it right the second time.

If I had your choices, I would go for the Nottingham. I had a chance to listen with a RS labs tonearm and Shelter cart. One of the most pleasing and musical tables I have ever heard. If you like rock and music that is not especially recorded well I think you will like this table a lot. Since you already have and arm, just get yourself a good tranny or phonostage for your cart.
The size of the tables may be a considerations as well, the Nottingham may be easier to accomidate.
I bought a Spacedeck, but already had a new OL Rega 250, so I just ordered the table with an arm "pod" sized for the Rega.
Hope they didn't sock you for a "special" arm pod, DD. The stock pod for the Spacedeck will accept the Rega arm with only a change in the split ring collet.
No obvious special charge for the Rega, though I DID pay full retail for the TT ($1500) from Nott's former importer.
The outside of the box was designated "Rega" in magic marker which I assume indicated the collet appropriate for the Rega. You ARE correct in saying it's a Rega collet (rather than pod), but I was unsure if that would be clear to someone unfamilair with the TT.
I owned the Aries and now the Nottingham Hyperspace with Anna arm and Benz ruby H. It is a night and day difference. The Nottingham is so much better in all ways and musicality.