I've been playing around with the belt tensions by moving the motor and flywheel this way and that, and surprisingly that seems to make a difference.
Bumping the frequency around also on the SDS while comparing to the sound of CD player (same album) and matching by ear has worked, also.
Personally, I think with the platter being that heavy, it is a 'flywheel' itself. Why add another? I did it, cause it looks cool and fills up the space on my Symposium Ultra platform better...... but, I'd take it off if it was sonically bad, for sure.
Anyone else using the flywheel?
Bumping the frequency around also on the SDS while comparing to the sound of CD player (same album) and matching by ear has worked, also.
Personally, I think with the platter being that heavy, it is a 'flywheel' itself. Why add another? I did it, cause it looks cool and fills up the space on my Symposium Ultra platform better...... but, I'd take it off if it was sonically bad, for sure.
Anyone else using the flywheel?