Is the Teres a

I have just read Art Dudley's review of the Quattro Supreme (Stereophile, October issue), a table spawned from the basic Teres design. (The friendship, then break-up of the original Teres group is also mentioned as a side story.)

I have no experience with the Teres but the Supreme - a design very similar to the Teres - priced at $6,000 got a "B" rating (actually meaningless, but someone's got to give it some rating because we are a rating-mad people!).

Why doesn't Chris Brady send Art a table so that he could at least give the Teres a good review and exposure?

Art's reference, the LP12, by the way, beat the Supreme in one area: PRaT.

I very much appreciated your post, both in message and in tone. I was not planning to attend the "Rocky Mountain High" but if the comparison seesion to which you refer can be realized, I'm there. It is something I'd PAY to hear!
Doug: Nice to hear someone else point out the critical nature of speed control/stability. Too often overlooked among talk of materials.

As far as PRAT goes, everyone seems to have their own definition. I would think that if anyone is referring to PRAT in the context of a table, they are referring to the table's ability to convey the "PRAT" as exhibited by the musicians in their work (as you mention), and not wishing for same conveyance to be "colored". Then again, I could be wrong. ;-)

For me, a humble vinyl guy (I only have the Basis 2000), PRaT would be a Basis 2000 with the RS-A1 arm.

If I still had the 2000 with the stock RB300 arm, then, definitely, there's no PRaT.

I do hope the Rocky Mountain High shoot-out come to fruition. I'll be waiting, with abated breath, the outcome of a Quattro Supreme/Teres 340/Basis Work-of-Art/Clearaudio what-have-you High Noon.

Will it be messy?


Great post. If you could ever get the rest of them in a room for comparison, I would be there in a NY minute. Maybe we could get Albert to forget his camera and bring his TT, too.

P.S. I of course meant butt-ugly in a good way. =X
That would be one wild shootout. Say, how about a SW Audio Fest? Maybe in Tombstone? I hear they have a corral that's supposed to be okay, even if things get as messy as NGeorge hopes!

You make an excellent point about the futility of trying to judge any material in a vacuum. Synergy is critical and difficult to predict. A perfect example is in the two best tonearms I've heard. The Schroeder Reference and TriPlanar VII sound more alike - which is to say, invisible - than the other good arms I've heard. But they could hardly be more different in materials and engineering choices. IME anyone who summarily ruled out one or the other based just on materials would be doing themselves a disservice.

I'll have to check out AD's Graham Robin review, just to get an idea where he was coming from. BTW, any sign of your TriPlanar yet?