Is the Teres a

I have just read Art Dudley's review of the Quattro Supreme (Stereophile, October issue), a table spawned from the basic Teres design. (The friendship, then break-up of the original Teres group is also mentioned as a side story.)

I have no experience with the Teres but the Supreme - a design very similar to the Teres - priced at $6,000 got a "B" rating (actually meaningless, but someone's got to give it some rating because we are a rating-mad people!).

Why doesn't Chris Brady send Art a table so that he could at least give the Teres a good review and exposure?

Art's reference, the LP12, by the way, beat the Supreme in one area: PRaT.

I hope you're right (about PRaT in the context of a TT review). But I see the term bandied about so often by fans of colored TT's, arms and cartridges that it always makes me wary. Clearly one man's PRaT is another man's PRiSoN!
Make sure to bring a Technics SP-10 to that TT shootout. There's way too many overrated *audiophile* belt drive TTs out there, Teres included.

An after hours comparison at the fest sounds like a great idea. We could do a good comparison by moving the same arm and cartridge from table to table. Easy for us since we both have armboards for a Schroder. I could also bring some armboards with common tonearm mounts in case we are able to entice other manufacturers to join us.

I can see it now, 3:00AM and somebody says "ooh, ooh, lets hear the Schroder/901/Supreme again". Makes me tired just thinking about it.

Of course, I have no control over this, but will be a happy participant in any after hours playing that may occur - to the extent that my back holds up.

Even if I were to come out the "winner", I'd be the first to admit that this proves very little - other than giving a general glimpse as to broad characteristics.

Everyone there will no doubt be punchy from all of the work involved in bringing the show to reality. Doing a quick setup in one room (and trying to figure out how all of these high mass tables can be sited on stands appropriate to their design) is likely to be unfair to someone and it's hard to predict to whom.

I would go on record however that the Clearaudios and Basis 'tables will be at the bottom of the heap. Sorry if I offend, but I'm unimpressed.

Thom @ Galibier