Linn or VPI

Hi, My dilema is which new setup to purchase. The Linn with Lingo-Ekos+Linn cartridge or the VPI TNT with a Benz. Dealers have a preference to the product they sell. Both get great reviews but they seem to approach things differently.
Any input is much welcomed. I have Martin Logan's and Levinson amps and preamp.
Have TNT will travel. Previously had Oracles that aside from a lack of bass compared to TNT was a marvelous table that needed tweaking. Aside from leveling occassionally due to feet losing air the TNT is low maintainence and sounds incredible while very quiet due to its high build and parts quality & engineering development. The TNT simply isolates better than any other table I was able to audition and afford.
Hey thanks guys I do appreciate the information+education.I'm going to post a wanted to buy a TNT +see what is available.

The Linn store is no longer in Chicago, it turned into a place called Avant Garde and then went out of business.
I do know one of the original employees from the Linn store if you want to email him, let me know, he is still in Chicago.
Phil, i went to the auction that the bank held once they had assumed Avant Garde Audio. I knew that they had Linn products, but did not know that they were located where the old Linn store was. I did think that it was kind of "weird" that Linn would set up a store where there was already a dealer or two selling their products though.

Now that Linn is gone out of Chicago, i guess that left room for Naim to move in : ) Sean
If you're willing to consider other turntables, you might consider a Rega P25 or P9. I haven't had any experience with either, but Rega does share some things in common with Linn. A Rega is easy to setup, and I've heard of many LP12 owners who've converted, and never looked back. Rega also appears to be sticking with analog. Of course, there are people who will tell you that Rega is junk...but isn't that the truth of any brand?