Linn or VPI

Hi, My dilema is which new setup to purchase. The Linn with Lingo-Ekos+Linn cartridge or the VPI TNT with a Benz. Dealers have a preference to the product they sell. Both get great reviews but they seem to approach things differently.
Any input is much welcomed. I have Martin Logan's and Levinson amps and preamp.
Linn is wasted money. It never works properly, when you open the window, it will sound different ,it is coloured and totally overrated. Maybe it was not bad in the 80's but today, forget it.
I listened to maybe 10 different ones, all adjusted from socalled 'specialized' Dealers. 6 were crap, 2 just ok, and the next 2 listenable ( fully loaded ones ).
Typical average product, which was 'managed' with reviewer's '' help ''.
Based on the various options, it is a Dealer's Dream, the customer will return always for a 'upgrade'.
It is your money, listen to it, when you are able to listen, you hear it at once.
Just my opinion.
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Have TNT will travel. Previously had Oracles that aside from a lack of bass compared to TNT was a marvelous table that needed tweaking. Aside from leveling occassionally due to feet losing air the TNT is low maintainence and sounds incredible while very quiet due to its high build and parts quality & engineering development. The TNT simply isolates better than any other table I was able to audition and afford.
Hey thanks guys I do appreciate the information+education.I'm going to post a wanted to buy a TNT +see what is available.

The Linn store is no longer in Chicago, it turned into a place called Avant Garde and then went out of business.
I do know one of the original employees from the Linn store if you want to email him, let me know, he is still in Chicago.