Does anyone know of anyone/place that can reterminate cables

I have a Nuvista M3 integrated amp. Inside it uses 4 6.5 inch single ended RCA interconnects. It uses the musical fidelity nu vista silver interconnect. Now these interconnects are not bad but i read on audioreview that some one replaced them with only a mid grade cable and found massive improvements. Presently, I am using Nordost Quattrofil interconnects. The increase in sound quality is probably reduced because whenever the signal travels through the internal ICs it gets degraded to "musical fidelity nu vista IC" quality. Anyways i wanted to cut my already too long (1 M) quattrofil cable and turn it into one 2 foot pair of rcas and 4 6.5 inch single rca cables. Anyways i was wondering how this could be done? Thanks a lot, - Ian
Send them to Nordost they will do that for you. The Quattro
fil will sound substantially better. 1 800 836 2750 number to Nordost.

Good luck
Call Bob at the Cable Co. 1-800-FATWYRE or
Tell him I sent you. They are great!
I have inquired about this with Nordost.

They told me it would cost $100 PER SINGLE TERMINATION (this was dor XLR input though).

They also said that they were the only one who could do it to their standards.


Yes, Nordost is $100 per end, even RCAs. So your job will will cost you $1600.
Ask your local hi fi dealer. Mine has made many repairs right on site for me. They have also reterminated some cables for me while I waited.