I agree with asking your local dealer. Mine has ordered upgraded spades or RCAs for me and soldered and wrapped everything very professionally, usually for free, but sometimes, I guess if I haven't bought anything from him in a while (becoming a more frequent phenomenon since I started cruising this site on a daily basis), he'll charge me for his time and the cost of the spades or whatever. it's always very reasonable, though, like $100 to reterminate a set of Transparent speaker cables with new larger heavy duty spades. And that included the cost of the 8 new spades from Transparent.
Also, jeff Delman at Value Audio (www.value-audio.com) custom builds DH Labs cables very meticulously and professionally and may be able to reterminate other kinds of cables for you at reasonable cost. I don't think you have to go to Nordost at $200 per end to get a quality job.
Also, jeff Delman at Value Audio (www.value-audio.com) custom builds DH Labs cables very meticulously and professionally and may be able to reterminate other kinds of cables for you at reasonable cost. I don't think you have to go to Nordost at $200 per end to get a quality job.