Need interconnect between Nagra pre to power amp

Nagra pre and power are tube amps.
I have found three strong potential candidates for interconnects - Valhalla Extreme Reference, Coincident or WireWorld eclipse 3+.
Any experience with either of these cables or others?
You might want to consider this brand from Sweden called Clou Cable at and click the English version icon. They have a couple of models and I was informed that their 4th model from the top, the 812 E'grid plays on par or better than the Cardas Golden Cross and it cost about 4 times cheaper. Their 2 higher models, the 412 Krysolit & 412 Krysolit Royale are said to be very good. The designer, Mr. Lars Andersson, is a lover of tubes ( triodes ) and designs his cables with that in mind thus giving you a very smooth & sweet upper mids & highs while the midbass & bass is deep, controlled, bodied with punch. Something to think about!
Ramesh Have you ever heard the Valhalla's? If so, what are the differences?