scout or new amp

i've asked for help elsewhere, so i apologize if it's repeat for some of you, but im trying to get as much feedback as possible. currently, im using a mmf-7/benz glider L2, with a grado ph-1 phono(which i really like) a nad c-370 amp and paradigm reference studio 20 v2 speakers. i'd like to upgrade, and will have about $1500-$2000 to spend. ive really been bitten hard by the scout hype, and would love to buy one. but previous feedback i've received has suggested that the improvement in my system would be much greater if i upgraded the nad, so im also looking seriously at the lfd mistral le. assuming it's either the table or the amp, what do folks here think would make the most sense?
Go with the amp as the mmf 7 is already a fine product and performs above the potential of your amp.
so far the largest improvement in any upgrading I have done (excluding speakers) came from upgrading my amp: i went from an NAD c-350 to a VTL IT85, wow that was huge.