OK.......I need more info on the Shelter 901......

.....cartridge, but can't find out who is the manufacturer, what type it is (MM or MC) will it work with my ARC PH 3SE and VPI Aries and JWM 10.5????? TWL (or anyone else), you seem to know quite a bit about this unit...help, please. Thanks!
The new distributor of the Shelter pickups, Axiss Distributing, You can reach Axiss by phone (310-329-0187) or email (axiss@compuserve.com). I got this info from the following website which has a breif review of the Shelter 901

The Shelter 901 is a low-output(.4mv), low-compliance(9cu) MC cartridge. It weighs 8.5 grams. It should have about 60db of gain from your Phono Section, or use a step-up transformer. It can be purchased from Axxis Distributors in the US, or from EIFL Exports of Japan.

The use of a 9cu cartridge in the JMW 10.5 is a matter of discussion, but my opinion is that it is not a good match. Some have differed with me on this opinion, but I still hold it. In my opinion, with that arm, you would be better off with a higher compliance of at least 12cu. I have heard that several people use the Lyra Helikon(12cu) in the JMW arms and have had success. That would be a better match than the Shelter. If you want the very best sounding cartridge for that arm, my selection would be the ZYX Fuji low-output MC cartridge, which is around $2k. Either the Helikon or the ZYX Fuji would be a great sounding package with your arm, with my nod going to the ZYX Fuji.
Rwd, You could've realy just contacted Twl directly as you now know what you need to know, but thanks for making it public!
I contacted VPI and spoke to them about the Shelter cartridge with the JMW Tonearm (which I also have). One of the guys that works there said he uses the Shelter 501 mk2 with the JMW arm and it sounds fantastic. That is good enough for me. I hope to get a Shelter for my VPI mk4/JMW soon.
Slowhand....keep us posted, please. My ARC PH3SE has .54bd output....is that enough for the Shelter? I already have the Helikon (regular) and it works well with the ARC. I am just interested in dumping my Benz m2 for a better cartridge to share with the Helikon.