The Shelter 901 is a low-output(.4mv), low-compliance(9cu) MC cartridge. It weighs 8.5 grams. It should have about 60db of gain from your Phono Section, or use a step-up transformer. It can be purchased from Axxis Distributors in the US, or from EIFL Exports of Japan.
The use of a 9cu cartridge in the JMW 10.5 is a matter of discussion, but my opinion is that it is not a good match. Some have differed with me on this opinion, but I still hold it. In my opinion, with that arm, you would be better off with a higher compliance of at least 12cu. I have heard that several people use the Lyra Helikon(12cu) in the JMW arms and have had success. That would be a better match than the Shelter. If you want the very best sounding cartridge for that arm, my selection would be the ZYX Fuji low-output MC cartridge, which is around $2k. Either the Helikon or the ZYX Fuji would be a great sounding package with your arm, with my nod going to the ZYX Fuji.
The use of a 9cu cartridge in the JMW 10.5 is a matter of discussion, but my opinion is that it is not a good match. Some have differed with me on this opinion, but I still hold it. In my opinion, with that arm, you would be better off with a higher compliance of at least 12cu. I have heard that several people use the Lyra Helikon(12cu) in the JMW arms and have had success. That would be a better match than the Shelter. If you want the very best sounding cartridge for that arm, my selection would be the ZYX Fuji low-output MC cartridge, which is around $2k. Either the Helikon or the ZYX Fuji would be a great sounding package with your arm, with my nod going to the ZYX Fuji.