I just set up a TNT Mk.V and JMW 12.5 using a van den hul Black Beauty this weekend. I used the same test record and tracks to adjust anti-skate. I had no buzzing at all until the fourth and last anti-skate track. The VDH BB actually did slightly better in the TNT/JMW combo that it did in my LP12/Ekos combo. So, I think the arm is a good tracker.
Leveling the set-up is VERY important, but it sounds as if you are OK on that score. The only thing I can think of is to make certain the arm is resting freely and properly on the pointed bearing. I actually set it wrong once. Other than that, if it is aligned properly in the healshell, I can't think of anything other than a problem with the cartridge. Good luck.
Leveling the set-up is VERY important, but it sounds as if you are OK on that score. The only thing I can think of is to make certain the arm is resting freely and properly on the pointed bearing. I actually set it wrong once. Other than that, if it is aligned properly in the healshell, I can't think of anything other than a problem with the cartridge. Good luck.