3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp

Background: I am trying to upgrade to my ultimate analog set-up. I think the first step should be an new Phono pre-amp capable of supporting high-end MC eventually. I have read the controversy of step-up vs new phono preamp, but I am leaning to the new phono preamp. I have a Cary SLP-98P and love it.

Question: In the $3K to $4K range, what is the best match to a Cary AMP/Pre-AMP/Horn system that would provide good versatility as I later upgrade my cartridge and TT. I have read about the Aesthetic Rhea, AcousTech PhD, and several others but I simply don't have the experience or access to this equipment to help decide.

Cartridges that I may eventually purchase include Koetsu, Shelter, Transfiguration, or comparable. It depends on the tonearm I end up with.

Thank You
Check this out......completely versatile, and meets your target price:

Thank you Alanmkafton. Very interesting.

I'll look into the EAR 324 as well. It reminds me of the Steelhead in some ways except solid state. I like the input for two turntables because I want to keep my VPI MKIV/SME309/Grado Reference for comparisons and later, with a change in cartridges, dedicated to mono.
Rwd: The Groove is much quieter, faster and more dynamic.

Alan has made a very good suggestion. The Ear is really one of the best values in audio.
I second the Trumpet, I am using with the Shelter 901 and it is a truely unbelievable phono preamp. It is also half of what you are prepared to spend.. You will need a step-up for a low output MC. I would go with the S&B tranies from either Hagerman or Bent Audio.
Thank you Dmailer for the recommendation. I have also noted others who are very supportive of the Hagerman technology.