3K to 4K Phono Pre-Amp

Background: I am trying to upgrade to my ultimate analog set-up. I think the first step should be an new Phono pre-amp capable of supporting high-end MC eventually. I have read the controversy of step-up vs new phono preamp, but I am leaning to the new phono preamp. I have a Cary SLP-98P and love it.

Question: In the $3K to $4K range, what is the best match to a Cary AMP/Pre-AMP/Horn system that would provide good versatility as I later upgrade my cartridge and TT. I have read about the Aesthetic Rhea, AcousTech PhD, and several others but I simply don't have the experience or access to this equipment to help decide.

Cartridges that I may eventually purchase include Koetsu, Shelter, Transfiguration, or comparable. It depends on the tonearm I end up with.

Thank You
Thank you all - very interesting discourse. Clearly there is a lot of controversy surrounding phonostage preamplification and the current state of the analog art.

Regardless of whether one considers a commerical or DIY endeavor, what are the key design decisions that impact on phono preamp sound.

Secondly, how closely matched or restricted must the cartridge selection be to given a specific phono preamp selection.

A very low output cartridge needs 60 or more dB of amplification. How does one assess how much strain on the preamp this entails, how does that strain affect speed, resolution, transparency, and noise?.

Basically, how does one objectively break down the merits of a phono preamp design or upgrade and select candidates to listen to and purchase?
I have few different phono setups in the past and I have heard over a dozen. I have not heard anything over $5K on phono preamp since no one I know is that crazy.

Three setups with same table setup.
TT setup: VPI HW19MKIV/graham 1.5T/VDH Bk Beauty

Marantz 7c/Counterpoint SA-2
Counterpoint SA-5000

Out of all, ARC SP-11 is most dynamic/punch
Marantz 7c/Counterpoint SA-2 is nice and bold and smooth
Counterpoint SA-5000 is elegant and evolving
It's really depends on what you like.
For large critical listening ( orchestra ),
I would choose ARC because it seems to have better resolution.
For everyday listening, Marantz 7c/Counterpoint SA-2 is produces and fuzz and relax sound.
For a more elegant female voice, string instruments, and jazz, I would pick SA-5000.

I have not found a clear winner in all catagory but I enjoy them all.

I really think the phono stage requires your own judgement rather than other's opinion. However, the gain and noise level requirement has to meet. That part is very critical.

Just my 2 cents
Thanks s23chang.

I am simply trying to learn as much as I can inorder to select a few preamps to audition. Your input is appreciated very much. The SA-5000 sounds very interesting and will require further investigation on my part!

I always spend the least I can, but I am willing to spend up to 4K. Thanks for the suggestions.