Phono Section Break-In CD ??

A fellow audiophile friend of mine told me about a Phono Section Break-In CD he had read about, possibly in Fremer's column, that has a very low level signal output- similar to the output of a MC cartridge. Apparently you put this disc in your CD player, plug the CD outputs into the phono section inputs and hit the repeat button. This is supposed to afford you with fast, efficient phono section break-in, particularly useful for breaking in step-up transformers. Anybody know about this item, and where to get one ?
Do a search for Granite Audio. Believe they have one; but if I'm not mistaken, it's for moving magnet input only.
better idea: turn-on phono with arm connected and unmute.
run for 2...4 hours with no signal and you should be ok without spending on burn-in cd unless you want to eliminate your thirst to experiment...
Without a box in between the output of the CD player and the inputs of the phono stage you're likely to do damage.

The best burn in I've ever run into is from Thor Audio - it has a box which goes in between the CD player and the phono stage (an inverse RIAA stage among other things) and includes a CD with both MM and MC tracks on it for burn in.

It can be purchased through Thor directly or any Thor dealer. I am not sure if any of the major mail order stoers carry it or not.