Phono Section Break-In CD ??

A fellow audiophile friend of mine told me about a Phono Section Break-In CD he had read about, possibly in Fremer's column, that has a very low level signal output- similar to the output of a MC cartridge. Apparently you put this disc in your CD player, plug the CD outputs into the phono section inputs and hit the repeat button. This is supposed to afford you with fast, efficient phono section break-in, particularly useful for breaking in step-up transformers. Anybody know about this item, and where to get one ?
Get one or two used DJ singles and play them over a few times. Will give your cartidge a good workout, too!
Thank you all for the great comments. I've decided to go with the KAB Precon. In stock @ Elusive Disc.
We just came out with a new version of this Phono Burn-In CD for MC cartridges too. It's the #CD-101.1 .

Info at

Don Hoglund, President Granite Audio
Do you keep a straight face when cashing checks for those phono Burn-In CD's? :-)