Have anyone pics and tech-data for a SU-1 step-up?

Hi !
I look at the web and can`t find pics and tech-data for a Expressive Technologies SU-1 step-up ! Google can`t help me ! Please help a guy from germany !!! I`m very intresting at this step-up ! Is it The Best ? My Analogsystem :
Player : H+P Ulysses
4tonearms : Ortofon RMA309,SME3012MK1,FR66s,Ikeda IT407
5cart: Ortofon SPU Royal GM , A/E , Gold GM , DL 103 ,
ZYX R 100 Fuji
Pre-pre: Ortofon T-100 , Denon AU-1000 , Denon AU-340 ,
Cotter MK II , Gryphon Head-amp
Pre-amp: Jadis JP 80
Thanks and PEACE FOR THE WORLD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I actually enjoy reading Romy's threads. Most of the time I have no clue what he is saying since I don't use any of the megabuck components that he usually shreds apart with his claws. But, I read his (un)flavorful and almost vindictive descriptions of these with a light hearted ethusiasm that puts this assenine world, either within hifi or without, in a more liveable perspective.
At first : Thanks for all answers !!!
A special thanks to Paul for the tip whith Audiofreaks!!!
For the SU-1 here on Audiogon i have this month not enough money! Hey Albert! How long ago is it that you have the SU-1? Have the man it now and can i buy it? I can understand you both , Romy and Albert ! But Albert , i look only for a SU-1!!! NOT for a phonostage!!! Some people have a dream - my dream is a SU-1!!!!! Is here anyone from West-Virginia? Randall from his Stereo-Outlet says he has one for me! He wants 1200USD for it! LAUGH!!! Believe me , i want really a SU-1!!!
Thanks to all
Frank, I borrowed the SU-1 from a local dealer for testing when he was an active part of my audio group. This was several years ago, about the time Counterpoint went bankrupt. I had concerns about warranty work for my SA9 / Magnum Opus, and was looking for alternatives.

I understand you want the SU-1 and not a phono stage. The only reason I mentioned the Aesthetix is the performance for price ratio it offers.

The Io with volume control and spare input has enough gain for MC cartridges down to .1 MV, it serves as full RIAA, and replaces your existing phono AND preamp for little more than you will pay for a SU-1 by its self.

If money is no object and the SU-1 fulfills a dream, then go for it. You may not be happy going another route.

As for the dealer from whom I borrowed the SU-1. He sold it after my test, and he became a dealer for Aesthetix.
I'll add in that a number of years back I had an SU-1 in my system when I had one of the original Transfiguration cartridges with its miniscule output--not even my JP-80's MC stage had enough gain to play it without tube noise problems. The SU-1 actually worked quite well for me, but (1) I had it well away from motors and other transformers, in the same place my Lamm LP2 is now in fact, and (2) I had a VERY difficult time trying to get interconnects to use with it which didn't cause hum problems (the Expressive Technologies interconnects do work with it, but they are roughly as flexible as a garden hose frozen in the winter, and few others I tried (or could afford at the time) save the XLO Signature seemed able to work). Once I got it worked into the MM stage of my JP80 it worked very well (there are those who think that's the best way to use the JP80), although I always felt that the sound was slightly bass-heavy, probably a function of the XLO or the cartridge. Ultimately I sold it when my cartridge was wearing out, as I couldn't afford to upgrade/retip it without selling the ET. Sold mine to a gentleman in the Netherlands for $1700, so I'm a little surprised at the price being asked now on the A-goN--should have kept my unit instead of putting the money in my Keough, I guess. I think that the SU-1 probably is the best step-up transformer you can get, and is beautifully made, but it does come with its own set of compatability issues, and may not necessarily be the best choice in every situation, as Albert notes from his experience.
Give as a later version of the SU-1 ? The first cost 3500USD and the later version over 5000USD - is that right ?