I could not believe my ears

I post this is a separte thread, since it has to do with power cords also, I believe.
Not only did I receive the Siltech G5 interconnects yesterday, but also 3 power cords made my Virtual Dynamics and a set of Heavy Hats vibration control.
So all of my components, even the Martin Logan speakers, have after market power cords now. They are made by Granite Audio, Ensemble of Swiitzerland and Virtual Dynamics of Canada.
Also, I finally received one set of Heavy Hats brass weights made by Mapleshade. So quite an upgrade in one day.
Anyway, I was listening (half dreaming away) to a favorite record, with a wonderful male voice singing, when, in my half dreaming state, I said to myself, what a beautiful female voice I hear in the background, when it suddenly hit me me like a lightening: I have never heard a female background voice before with this recording.
I have honestly listened to this record dozens of times and never heard this female voice in the background. Its even possible to tell that she is standing a couple of feet behind the male singer.
It was not the Siltech G5 interconnects alone, it was the combination of excellent i/c's, power cords and Heavy Hats vibration control, which made this possible.
But isn't it pretty dramatic, to suddenly hear a voice which was not there before? Doesn't that mean that a lot of information lies hidden in a redbook cd and only very good equipment will give us all the resolution capacity necessary to really hear this hidden info?
If you did all the tweaks at once how do you now which helped.
Only proper waay is one component at at time to tell if yu are getting improvment.
One component may have made 99 % of the upgrade.
Steady and slow gets you there
Yup, I have a particular disk that I liked listening too and over a period of a few months I upgraded my speaker cables, then interconnects, both me and my wife could hear more. You get to a point though where to hear more it is an exponentially expensive proposition.