Rega P25 Tonearm Lift

Here is my stupid question of the day. Hopefully somebody can help. I installed a Grado Sonata cartridge on my P25. Alignment and tracking force are set correctly. My problem is that the height of the cartridge doesn't allow it to clear the LP when using the tonearm lift lever. I have to manually pick the tonearm off the record when done listening. Does anybody know if the lift is adjustable-the manual makes no mention of it. Or-has somebody run into this with there own setup and perhaps developed a 'rig' for it? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
It's all over this website. If you look through the archives, I'm sure you'll come up with plenty of references to the "dreaded Grado hum" when used with Rega TT's. The Grado cartridges are highly susceptible to hum fields, and the Rega TTs have the motor right under the platter. It has been stated by many, other than myself, that about 2/3 of the Rega/Grado combinations will have a hum problem. Not all do.

It's just a well-known fact. I'm not making this up, in some kind of attempt to knock Rega or Grado. It's just not an ideal combo, unless you get lucky. If you are one of the lucky ones, then that's great.

When I worked at the audio shop, we wouldn't sell a Grado to a Rega owner, unless he brought his TT in and let us try it first to see if it hummed.

I can't help the fact that it happens, I just report on it. I'm not looking for an argument about it. I thought that maybe I could save some people from getting a problem, by mentioning it. There are plenty of other cartridges out there that sound good, and don't have this hum sensitivity.
Honestly I have noticed a hum but only when place close to the center of the record where no music is. Even when playing the end of the record I could hear no hum, the great music drowned it out!

I recently sold the table and am shopping around for a new one as I write...Spacedeck ,scout, many great options these days!
My suggestion is that if you have a heigth problem with your lift then you also have a (vertical tracking alignment)VTA issue that needs resolved.
Contact and buy the EASYRIZER for the rega and install it then set your VTA and you will also notice a differnce in the sound of the cartridge when set at the correct VTA
getting rega spacers 2mm and/or 4mm from will always be helpful since you will be more flexible in terms of selecting a different cartridge in terms of VTA.