good silver IC's to audition?

i have a tried a bunch'o'copper ICs and one mid-priced silver plated copper. i preferred the latter...just seemed to provide more air and detail in my system, though possibly at the expense of bass impact.

i'd like to try some good pure silver ICs. acoustic zen silver reference is on the list. any others? thanks.
whoops, forgot to mention my system configuration:

meridian 508.24
meridian 502 preamp
BAT vk-75
avalon arcus speakers
speaker wire is copper (don't remember what type)

all of the front-end components are fully balanced so i'd like to stay with XLR connections. thanks. has a 30 day trial on the silver lace. Nice for the $$$.
Kimber KCAG is very good, and reasonable on the used market. There are a lot of lesser known ones out there, too, that have gotten a lot of good buzz in these forums and aren't priced astronomically. And if cost is no object, yes, the Siltech G5 is as good as they say.
I would also add to the list: Silver Audio and Bear Labs Silver lightning.