good silver IC's to audition?

i have a tried a bunch'o'copper ICs and one mid-priced silver plated copper. i preferred the latter...just seemed to provide more air and detail in my system, though possibly at the expense of bass impact.

i'd like to try some good pure silver ICs. acoustic zen silver reference is on the list. any others? thanks.
Hi, for the money and high performance as good and better than some others mentioned. Just what you describe and are looking for, try Also has the bass. The speaker cable "Octet" is also a stunner. Open smooth detailed top, good mid and surprising bass. Lets the music flow nicely. Very reasonably priced. A gem in the world of high priced cable. Yes there are better. But not close to the price. Well worth a try.
I have tried most of the cables that have been mentioned, plus a few that are very expensive and the Acoustic Zen Silver Ref beats them all in my opinion. I think you'll have to go to Siltech G5 or Nordost Vallhalla to get anything better.
I've tried a couple of cables from various manufacturers before finally settling on Granite Audio #470 interconnects with WBT topline connectors. I run them completely everywhere in my system with amazing results. I'd recommend you audition a pair, they have a money back guarantee so you basically have nothing to lose.

Good luck.
You might want to consider the Stealth M7 from Interlink House, the same company that produces the Stealth PGS! Infact, if you can try the PGS, too!
Another to consider is the Homegrown Audio SilverLace!
you owe it to yourself to try the Granite Audio #470 pure silver ics... with a 30 day rtrail -- you can not go wrong