EAR MC3 moving coil transformer

I am seeking a transformer solution for my low output moving coil, a Madrigal Carnegie 1 with 0.28 mv output/30 > 50 ohms impedance. I am curious if anyone has had experience that they can comment on with the EAR MC3 transformer.

Any other transformer suggestions? The Audio Note up for auction is nice but probably too pricey.
Quicksilver makes one - check it out at the website - also Ortofon makes two - one is very pricey. Check their website. I have a Benz Micro Silver Reference 2 at .3 mv and use the Ortofon T - 5 's which are small and plug directly into the rca inputs . They are excellent and can be gotten usually on ebay from time to time. I would also like to check out the MC 3 but have not been able to find one used or new. I read the review on their web but would rather have other input from actual owners, too.
There is an inexpensive Ortofon mca 76 transformer on ebay now; bidding is at 75 dollars, I believe. Know anything about that one?
I don't think that Ortofon on Ebay is a transformer. I think it is a head amp, even though it's described as a transformer. It has a power cord on it.

The EAR is a very good transformer. Cotter is better, so is Verion(an OEM version). Older Bryston MC transformers, were also Cotters in disguise. Shelter makes a brand new one for about $900.

For lower bucks, the used Denon, and Supex are a good bet. You'll need 30db boost for that cartridge, with most MM sections.