Quality CD Recorders

I am looking to buy a good quality CD recorder. My budget is about $500 for a used one or $750 for something new. I want this to record my favorite CDs and songs mostly for car listening but for gifts and home as well. What recorders are quality with excellent detailing of the music in this price range.
Ljgj is right on! Alesis Masterlink 9600 is great. Far superior to the quality of cd's I use to burn on my Mac.
If you want a small, half-size CD Recorder that makes great CDs from analog for around $325, try the Tascam CD-RW4U. 20 bit, records on any type of CD media, SCMS defeatable, Remote control, and even sounds decent as a stand-alone player. If you want something better, the Tascam CD-R700 is 24 bit with balanced analog in & out for around $450. The CD-R2000 Tascam adds AES/EBU In & out for around $550. Details at:
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Any specific questions, feel free to e-mail me - I use the CD-R4U a lot for analog transfers. It's as easy as a cassette deck to use, and makes outstanding CDs. It also has a USB interface and can be hooked up to a Mac or PC as a stand-alone CD Burner!