Best CD Player for $1000

What's the best new or used CD player aroud for $1000 or less?
Well, how about a Meridian 506.20 or an earlier 506.24?? I am searching the "net" for one right now. But I am going to wait for my finances to recover so that they can permit the purchase of one (that might not happen until January or February). After looking on this site, I am convinced that I can get a Meridain 506 Series CD Player for anywhere from around $800.00 to about $1,200.00 (depending on version and vintage of the player). It has the same exact transport (a Philips top-of-the-line transport) as their $4,000.00 508.24. The 506.24 is exactly the same player as the 508.24 only the 506.24 lacks one or two features or refinements and it lacks the "re-clocking" capability of the 508.24 (and it is for about half the price too). Again, I am searching for a used 506.24 right now so that I can prepare for its acquisition in January or February. My price range will be from $850.00 to about $1,200.00.
The new Jolida JD-603 for $550.00 has tube audio stage. Great sound for the money.