who makes a good set of headphones

I'm in the market to buy a new set of headphones for my stereo system and would like some advice. I have been looking at the Grado 125, 225, 325's. I've heard they are pretty good. I am willing to spend $300-400. My other question concerns headphone amps? Are they necessary, and do they improve the sound just marginally or greatly. Any advice would be appreciated.
if you need isolation buy the ety's, otherwise buy the $69 Grado's and start saving for the Grado RS-1's or the Stax. you will never regret it and the $69 Grado's are fantastic and will easily get you by while you save.
if you listen to much rock n roll the Stax may not do it for you. if I listened to mostly classical and/or acoustic jazz I'd have the Lambda's.

I've owned Grado 125'S, 225's and 325's but I swear the RS's blow the rest away by so great a margin that they are worth waiting for. the $69 grados are 85% as good as the more expensive models until you reach the rs-2's. then it's a leap!

I've used a lotta great headphone amps but believe that the 1st thing to do is to get killer phones. the grado's will blow you away even without an amp - even the $69 ones. then you can improve your source and amplification til the cows come home. have fun!
akg1000 are the best dynamic headphones.I also have grado rs-1 that I have used wth the cary 300sei.However the akg1000 is much better.The akg1000 have a wonderful organic sound with ahuge soundstage.The headroom web site is great resource for headphones...check it out.
All of the 'phones mentioned are of grat quality, I just would like to add that not only the sound, but also comfort is very important, so IMHO buying online would not be adviseable...
