Get a DAC for CD63SE or a new CD?

I have upgraded my downstream electronics and would like to upgrade my primary digital source. Would it be better to upgrade my present CD or consider a new CD. No phono input and no plans to go HT. Thank you for your opinions and advice.
What other components do you have?How much are you ready to spend?For now I can only say that transport is just as important as a converter.I,myself would either go with much better player or upgrade in two steps.
Thanks for the input Mikhail, the preamp is a Chiro 800, the power amp is a Chiro C-200, the budget is $1,000.
The Monarchy DAC's are very natural AND dynamic. Awesome value. The 63SE is a nice sounding player. You system has to be up to it to appreciate differences in Hi end digital.
Try the Bel Canto Dac-1. I purchased one two weeks ago after auditioning at my home on my equipment a number of dacs and DVD units. What the Dac-1 does for your system is unbelievable. Check out the wedsite: and the follow up. Also: Email me with any questions you have. Regards, Larry
I also recommend a good quality outboard DAC. I use a Muse Model Two with Sony CA9ES and XA7ES CD players-- excellent results. The CA9 definitely needs the quality of the outboard DAC, but the XA7 doesn't. I used to have a CD63SE, and thought it was a little thin and analytical using its on-board DAC. I never did hook it up to an outboard DAC, but I would think the 63 would make an excellent transport. I like the many play/program features of inexpensive CD players and the music quality of good outboard DACs. I also use Theta TLC and Sonic Frontiers jitter reducers between CD player and DAC. Besides yielding better music, they also convert Toslink to Coax.. There are many good DACs under $1K.