what mid priced cables should i buy?

i have a brand new integrated krell 300i and a brand new rega planet 2000 cdp and 6 months old bose 901's (speakers)
(i think those 901's r my weakest link so far)
that whole system is connected with low end cables (interconnects and speaker wires worth less than 50 bucks alltogether)
1. i want to spend 350-450 dollars for cables, any suggestions? i dont know much about cables (and frankly im quite skeptic) but i've heard that mit terminator 2 speaker wires r decend, any input?
2. is buying used cables a smart thing to do?
3. the bose speakers has an external EQ\crossover ,
that is hooked up to a tape monitor loop onto the krell 300i
that requires 2 pairs of single ended interconnects,
is it important to upgrade those interconnect as much as the interconnect between the cdp and the integrated amp>?
(should i spend the same amount of money on the tape loop I.C as the krell to the rega I.C ?)
thanks for your help
happy holidays for y'all
Get rid of the Krell and keep the Bose 901s!!! What an overpriced and overrated component...buy a Van Alstine integrated and keep the change.

The guys are right: 901s = great surround speakers!
I suggest you look at the best speakers for 2000.00 thread for good speakers for 2k. I however cannot agree with those thiels everyone else is suggestimg. Good luck and im sorry about those Boses. There was a point when i thought they were good too. Before you find out about this whole other world of highend, the only real name you know is Bose. Its a shame. Good luck with your future purchases. - Ian
The bose certainly aren't high-end (or high fidelity-a distinction that needs to be made sometimes) as most stated (me earlier too). To clarify, craigklomparens is right and I would agree don't even buy high-end cables. Even if the tweako wires actually do make an improvement in the sound, its for no magical reasons, and your money (say $200 in wire) would have been better spent on the electronics or speakers from the start, where you would get far better gains. I don't pay much attention to Krell, other than they tend to be pricey solid-state class A. I don't necessarily think the Krell is a bad piece, you could have done worse. Although you probably could have found a better piece for the money (maybe the Van Alstine, I own'em too), I'd still keep it, don't go selling everything-you do need to enjoy some music. But the bose really is the weakest link. If you're ever so diy inclined a nice pair of kit speakers would perform far better than any commercial offering at that price and on par with many at twice the price. The jupiter from zalytron.com has always had my fancy for awhile, nice Raven R-2 tweeter with an 8" cabasse driver for a bit under a grand. The jaguar II from audioc.com looks promising too. Or the borealis from northcreekmusic.com would look really nice with your Krell, only $700-$1000pr. But any nice 2 way design, like some mentioned before would give you the most for your money for under a grand, or even two grand (although thier might be a three way in there worth going for) and certianly beat the bose. Using the bose for surrounds isn't a bad idea--if you're going to have surrounds. If not, just sell'em and use the money for a better set of speakers and be happy. However, there isn't a single scientific argument after 20 years that justify's any of these high-end cables. And many of their audible differences, if any, can be traced to the placebo effect or a severe amount of load sensitivity the electronics themselves may exhibit, something that's cured by better gear than cable's with your money. Audio Advisor has some basic 14 gauge speaker wire for about $.20 a foot, put the rest in the speakers. For never ending ramblings, ventings and discourse on the subject of audio cables (with some facts), spend an evening with the "on cable nonsense" thread here on audiogon that is probably over 200 posts long now.