AC PWR cable to PWR Conditioner???

Does it make alot of sense to buy a quality power cable when it will go directly to a power conditioner? I have a Monster Cable Conditioner that has a hard wired heavy duty power cord so I cannot replace it....easily. Thanks for your inputs!
I've been wondering the same thing. If i ever get my act together, i'll be doing some measurements on various power cables in terms of noise floor, etc... Having looked at the design configuration of the stock cord, it could probably be improved in theory. Given the fact that the Monster pretty much reduced all of the noise on the line down to nothing it might be of little benefit though. The less filtered plugs, like those for an amp, might be the ones that benefit the most from doing something like that. That is, if you plug your amp into a Monster or other similarly designed PLC. Sean
My experience is that there is as much audible difference with power cords on my line conditioner as there is with any of the other components. As usual, it's try and listen to them within your own system.
Yes it will help. How much are you going to spend? I would spend the money on a better conditioner instead a new cord. The Monsters are fine for an under $200 condition, but there is better out their like Vansevers, Chang Lightspeed, Audio Power.
As to quality of sound -- I doubt. Power tweaks are mostly to be designed to reduce or eliminate power hum.