Your advice on a good cable

Here is my curent system: YBA 2 Preamp, YBA 2HCDT AMP and JMlab Mini Utopia speaker with a Cambridge CD6 player. What brand of interconnect and speaker cable you recommand to take the best out of this setup. I had in mind to buy transparent ultra cable but some people in audiogon think that they are overpriced and not good (ref: Hall of shame)

Thanks for your help.
And please dont tell my to buy 10K$ cable Im not rich :)
If you don't have small children, nosy pets, or clumsy cleaning people, I can recommend Mapleshade wire ( It's inexpensive, covered by a moneyback guarantee, and it really transformed my main system. Only problerm is it's thin and somewhat fragile, but it sure doesn't SOUND thin.
I like Harmonich Tech for the money. They offer a big sound,with a great frequency range. I use the Magic. I know it is expencive, but I compared it to some really expencive Siltechs($2,000 & $3,000) and Kimber Selects and prefered the Magic.
Fineberg is right the A/P cables are the best for the dollars you spend. My favorite is the silver ovals...there are some available on this website's classifieds.
DIY...lots of  videos how to do it and when your finished you will truly have a work of art my friend. 
Interesting. Never thought of that before. Known for years you cannot build anything yourself to sound as good as you could buy. Never occurred to me, instead of trying to sound good, make it look good. That one you just might be able to pull off.