Best DVD as transport

Plan on buying a dvd player as a transport. Are they all the same?
I, like Ampman66, think that the Sony 7700 is excellent. I do not claim that it is the best transport made, however at $689.00 mail order, (I recently bought one), it is truly amazing. And, I agree with the comments about the picture quality, it is remarkable.
I like the Pioneer Elite DV-05. You can get one new for around $600. Great as a transport and one of the best damned DVD video players I've seen. Also is marvelous as a CD player into my Music Fidelity X-Can & Sennheiser HD600 cans. Didn't work too well as a CD player in my main system though, probably because I use a passive pre-amp and the DV-05's power supply just can't push the required current into a 2K load.
If you collect CDR's, don't plan on using any transport other than the top-of-the-line Sony (which uses dual lasers). Standard DVD transports can't read them.