Turntable Power Source Benefits

Many of the table designs today have the motor separated from the platter and run the platter via a belt or string. I see some people are going to DC to power these motors and the Teres site claims them to be a real benefit. Walker makes a regulated power supply that others have said are helpful.

How are they helpful? I can understand how a steady power supply source can provide a more stable way to deliver constant and unvarying platter speed. But how can they improve the sound other than that if the motor is already separate from the platter? If you have the TT plugged into a separate outlet, how can any power-induced problems get into the sound chain? Do motor cycles jump from the motor to the cartridge?

Khaki8, I have owned three Walker motor controllers, I currently own the Ultimate with black gate caps and am considering the new hand wired version that Loyd decided to make available.

The difference between the standard and ultimate controller is certainly audible and if you have a maxed out system it is worth doing. Don't put off buying a controller because the ultimate is too expensive. Like most things in audio, the biggest bang for the buck is making that first step. This is true for this controller as well.

Mot, yes the Walker is designed with a built in IEC male connector, allowing all aftermarket power cords to plug right in. Makes testing a breeze and allows lots of choices.
I have to agree with Albert's comments. I've heard his system with and w/o the controller. With out it, it's really no fun. Kills the imaging, the life, just makes it average.

On Albert's suggestion, I put a basic Electraglide cord on my SME controller. (only one I had laying around). Wow, my only beef on my setup was it could be a little cold sometimes, the Electraglide added a wetness, warmth to the sound that was transformational. I guess I'll try it straight to the wall outlet instead of going thru my hydra, see if it helps or hurts. Also, I'm going to try some other cords...
I hope your tongue was in your cheek, Jfrech. I reviewed the fine system of Albert and if it is really no fun and just average without the Walker, most of the rest of us are totally doomed, I must say!
Albert's experience (as well as the others) is proof of the extreme importance of speed and rotational stability. That's why in my budget bracket I use the creature on steroids...
Albert good to see answering questions again.
Great post, I also liked the pictures you posted last week. I had a run in last week with some digivites, to no avail; did you read any of that mess?
Thanks, Ron