Well perhaps that is true, then again perhaps it isn't sounds as if your mind is made up already, no? Are some cables priced high? yes, does that mean they don't perform better then lesser cables? no, but you are reffering to the all to common law of diminishing returns. You first must have a system of the resolution to hear the differences, the subtle nuances that cables contain. If you are running adcom, paradigm system do you need to get Nordost Vahalla? NO WAY, but a decent kimber kable of some sort would make a huge improvement over radio shack cables. One man's crazy is another's sane, depends how important audio is to the user. I by no means have the best ears out there but I can hear the difference in cables, well most of them any way. Silver has a different more forward sound to it and copper is more relaxed, if you can't hear that your in the wrong hobby.