How much money do you want to waste?

From everything I have read there is no proof that spending mega$$$$$ on cables does anything. A good place to start is Go to the audio articles and read the cable article. From there pick up something(anything) by Lynn Olson and then do some digging. Ask your dealer for any study done by any manufacturer on how cables improve sound - good luck. The most hype and the most wasted money in audio is in cables these days. It's the bubble of the day in audio and , by the way, one of the big money makers for the industry. You might as well invest in tulip bulbs. Spend your audio buck where it counts.

I have a couple friends who make there own tube amps and they get better sound out of power systems that cost less then a lot of people blow on cables.

Asa: rumour has it that a king of Hungary once remarked "we cannot burn (or stone) witches for the simple reason that witches do not exist!"
You're safe!
Asa -

As always, your comments are very interesting. However, why do you continue this "priests of science", etc. attack? Your remarks about the mode of thinking of your so-called "objectivists" (whoever they are), and oft-repeated implications that they don't listen at the same great depth of feeling that you do remains absolutely baseless and does you no service.
Well, I didn't think of it at the time, but "Priests" may not have been the right choice; not that it isn't accurate, but that, in using such noun description, I would undoubtedly raise the ire of those attached to Judeo-Christian doctrine and their earthly acolytes.

On the other hand, Hearhere, I'm not sure that's "you", because you seem to be saying: if, Asa, you say that empathy is the goal (being-to-being permeability), then why do you stimulate recoil in others by punching their buttons with such loaded terms? Is that an accurate synopsis?

Well, apart from assuming a sense of humor- perhaps, in retrospect, a misplaced assumption - the term is, again, accurate. Actually, it is borrowed - verbatim - from a description by Henryk Skolimnowski, former Professor Emeritus of philosophy at the Univ. of Michigan at Ann Arbor and founder of Eco-philosophy, of the advocates/acolytes of scientific materialist assumptions in his book, "The Participatory Mind". If you study the similarities between the denial of the Cartesian (scientific) differentiation of Judeo-Christian doctrine of the medieval Catholic Church with the differentiation of science by the deconstructionists (and my integrative ideas above), you will see very similar reactions of marginalization and resistance - which accounts for the appropriateness of the analogy.

As for the question I've been waiting for, phrased as an assumption, here it is:

Hearhere states that it is "baseless" to believe that people listen at varying degrees of "feeling". The contra assumption of this statement, inherently implied, is that all people listen at the same level of "feeling". Simple question: in everyone's experience, do people feel to the same depth in terms of empathic identification? If so, then we have a whole area of knowledge assuming such differences - called, PSYCHOLOGY - that must be "baseless." I know that Judeo-Christian doctrine says that all people are equal in their degree of "sin" (which, I understand, actually means "to miss the mark" in aramaic, somewhat an illustrative coincidence here...), but are minds actually equal in their willingness to open to the other person, or the Music? For the record, I am not talking about "feeling" per se, but depths of awareness (differing emotive response being a manifestation of differing awareness levels). And, yes, I am saying that people possess differing abilities to address and access these symmetries of awareness. However - and unlike Judeo-Christian doctrine that says all mind are sinful while on earth inherently - I am saying that all minds are equal in their ability to open to the Music, stereo or not. While that mind may deny that such depths exist, and, therefore, give up the gift given to him/her of seeing beyond his idea of himself (cognitive structures), the mind never gives up the potential to do so. All are equal in our ability to orientate our will (not our thoughts) towards transcending an attachment to thought.

It is an egalitarian delusion in the States that all people are equal, a denial that stems from our desire to see ourselves as "democratic" (read: the assumption that everyone is equal in their freedom, even though, I might add, this is mutually enforced freedom: under the Lockian assumptions that underly our system, I only respect your freedom because you respect mine - it is not empathically based). However, no one is equal in the cognitive ways that we measure our stature in western culture (IQ tests, aptitude tests, etc. which differentiate individuals based on cognitive agility into socio-economic stratas). Nor does western culture say that we are equal in our abilities to "feel" (i.e. psycho-pathologies). Do you think Hitler was equal in his ability to "feel" the others' suffering?

To claim differently in the name of political correctness, while summoning the loaded-ness of the word "Priest" to support one's assumptions, is disingenuous. And, again, folks, this is what I've been talking about: whenever such scientific materialist assumptions are questioned, the "Priests" of those assumptions attack in disigenuous ways with political correct rhetoric, while - and this is important to see here with Hearhere - making strong accusations without ANY substantiation.

Hearhere, when you say "baseless", on what arguments, properly laid out so that a fair response can be made, do you mean? HOW are they "baseless"?

People who are attached to assumptions do not want to engage in reasoned response, but rather, resort to an attempt to rouse others to shout the heretic down. The exposing of such motives is not an "attack", because, remaining in denial of your potential does no one any "service".

I repeat: Burn the Witch!!! Or even better (and, no, I do not equate myself even remotely with this level of evolvement), let's all get together and take that guy who makes "baseless" statements on the current assumptions of being-to-being empathy - a guy somehow saying that we can all get to the Music without Caesar's help - and take him to the edge of town and nail him to a cross! Yea, now that's a proper way of dealing with such "baseless", "surreal", "irrational", assumption "attacking" persons!

Original poster: you are a wise and courageous person, though not politically correct in this forum. The costlier the cable, the better the sound. Your eyes have ears. Electrons are very fussy about what they are forced to go through, be it long copper crystals, high quality dielectric material and especially the colour and texture of the outer jacket. I have just read that in France, where wines are taken very seriously indeed, researchers have proof that eminent wine tasters attribute great qualities to mediocre wine put in Grand Cru Classé bottles and, conversely, find that some of the greatest crus, intentionally put in bottles labelled for lesser wines are vilified. Does anyone here see the parallel with audio equipment?
Questioning scientific exclusivity does not mean, implictedly, that a costlier cable is necessarily better (see my response today under thread "Snake Oil"). And, yes, based on conformity (the desire to conform one's assumptions to the assumptions of the collective culture at any given time), some people do find the need to buy things/objects that other people who collect things/objects covet. Interestingly, those people who conform their views to others regardless of subjective experience, are, SURPRISE!, the same people in western culture who conform to the assumptions of science - which, not coincidentally, is also attached to objects. It is not a coincidence that people who are very good at accumulating things in our society, generally rising in socio-economic strata and gaining increased buying power (or people who are desperate to, but lack the ability or luck), are also many times the same people who buy cable that is over-priced because its the next-best-thing to get. Hmmm...

On wine, if, after tasting them, you can't tell the relative quality differences between a '97 and '98 Beaucastel Chauteneuff du Pape - even that close of a comparison - then yes, you should stick to sparkling grape juice...

Hey, look at that, I slammed superficial rich people and supported wine - a notorious "rich guy" activity - at the same time! I've become a moving target! Oh hell, just stone him anyway, one of the rocks is bound to hit...