Cheaper alternative to Cardas Golden AC Cord

I love the Cardas Golden AC cord but I thought I might query you guys to see if there is something out there that will do the same for cheaper. Cables must be very warm sounding, musical and cheaper than the Cardas Golden. I will be using this for my CD player to remove some brightness and hash.
Hey guys, just got another message from Ramesh. He informed me of a new Canadian company called Virtual Dynamics

Apparently the Basic Power model from them is USD 29.95!!
And sounds like the Cardas Golden.. Anyways, I just called Rick over there and I'm going to get a few to try out.

Will keep you posted
Anything! Try unless your into big bucks for pretentious names. Save yourself $$$ and buy some new music.
Craig, I understand your point of view... But the AC cords just made so much of a difference over the DIY or Factory cords that they absolutely warranted the $300 USD spent.