What is the expected life-span of a Rega cartridge

What is the expected life-span of a Rega cartridge? More specifically the Exact.
The reason I ask is because I purchased a used table (supposedly between 2-4 months old) and I was picking up distortion in the upper octaves. When I brought it back to the dealer they heard this as well. However, the salesperson told me that it was the cartridge, and that I needed to buy a new one. Once I picked my jaw up off the floor, he began telling me that cartrides have a hae a life span of 2 years or so and that they personally reccomend that their customers replace them every two years. Once I asked them why a (now 6 month old cartridege) would start sounding bad...the dealer began cahnging the age of the table on me yet again, now saying it was over a year-and-a-half old.
So I guess my real question may be, is this bunk or am I just going to be left hanging?
If the table is indeed a year and a half old, and it has been played alot, the cartridge may be played out.

Personally, if I had any doubt about it, then I would get a new cartridge. My record collection is worth alot more to me than an old second hand cartridge. A worn out stylus can do damage to the records.
Change dealers then figure out if you need a new cartridge.Get rid of that dealer first though.
So what do you guys think I should do about this dealer situation? They have changed the age of the table three times on me, and now I am left to buy a new cartridge it sounds like. So far, I have still been nice to them but I am about to explode on the inside. I haven't even asked them to return the table, I still want it...I just want it working as advertised!!
Stuff like this really gets me going. I suggest demanding your money back or at least some back for the cartridge. I would return the table and find one here on Audiogon.
