Synergistic Research HFT + FEQ

I heard this tweak at RMAF and brought it home on a 30-day free trial. Unfortunately it turned out to be a real system killer. I had 20 of the HFTs and tried them with and without the FEQ, using a ladder to put them up and take them down repeatedly. I couldn't believe how awful it was. Made it hard to enjoy my otherwise excellent ~$45k system.

I had a similar experience with their Quantum fuse. Never did trust anything with "Quantum" in the title. HiFi Tuning Supreme fuses, on the other hand, made my amps sound significantly better.
Sabai, Not yet.
Better still I'll explain how I made them.
I'm using 1/8"copper pipe caps with a copper cone inserted inside. I bought the cones from a fishing lure company. It has the right tapering and the right opening inside.
Now, Audio Magic uses a crystal inside the cone, mine does not. But, I might experiment further.
Hi Ozzy,

Thanks for this information. Very creative. I'd like to try this out myself. If you don't mind, please let me know the diameter and the length of copper pipe you use for each segment. Also, do you have a link or specs for the copper cones? Thank you.
For all you DIY's. I have received many emails to make these items. They are quite simple to make.

I used 1/8" copper caps with a large copper cone from a company called "Hareline" inside. Hareline makes items for fishing lures and can be bought from Amazon.

The caps however, will need to be purchased from a plumbing house. Then just simply glue the cone inside the cap. The cone is a direct drop in. I used Elmer's school glue to seal the cone inside the cap.

Audio Magic also places a crystal in the middle of there "Bells". I suppose you could use (Blu Tack)to hold a crystal in the cap before gluing the cone in it.
Personally I don't think its necessary.

When you place the cones (I used blue tack) on the wall or the equipment, place them in the middle first with one at the height of your speaker, then near the floor and perhaps one up high. If you go to high with them it may accent the higher frequencies. But do experiment.

The others were placed at the first and second reflection points on the side walls.

At the wall behind you, I placed them again in the middle, at floor level, mid and high.

Then from there you can experiment through your room and equipment. Some places they worked good and some not so good.

I must add that I also own the SR FEQ unit which is supposed to excite these things.
Just received my FEQ. So far so good! If anyone else is skeptical like me and want to see pics of internals send me a message!
My version, DIY: (thanks, Ozzy)


1) copper fitting reducer 3/8 to 1/4 (about an inch long)
OR any 1/4 diameter copper pipe, bought from AC, refrigeration supplier

2) 7mm (9/32) brass fly tying coneheads, 100 count, from
Rip Lips Fishing


Clean all metal surfaces with Wright's anti-tarnish silver polish
Use a hacksaw to cut the fittings to size (cut in half, using a vise)
Place conehead on top of open (1/4) end of fitting, and, on a solid surface,
strike about five times with a hammer, forcing the larger conehead into the fitting so that the tops are level. This way, one fitting can turn into two completed units when each contains its own conehead.

Total cost is just under two dollars per unit, and no glue is needed.
And the sound? To me, a bit harsher and more "forward" than the originals.
This is not necessarily bad, as you can experiment, creating different placement patterns of the DIY and original versions, to suit your taste.

Where else can you have so much fun, for so little money?
(They can also work in your car.)