Unknown Tonearm

I recently aquired an old Oracle Delphi MK 11. The tonearm is black & thin with a 3 piece weight which includes a seperator between two machined brass pieces. There is also a brass piece between the bearing pivots it says Scorpion on it.It looks in quite nice shape it came with a Grado Signature cartridge which turns out to be dead on one side unfortunatly. Is it worth using this arm or letting it go? If so is it worth anything? I have a RB300 and a Denon 103 I could swap out from my other turntable (Oracle Paris). I'm going to be ordering a tune up kit from Oracle anyway I could also order the proper springs and a new armboard at the same time. Any help/advice would be appreciated Thanks Joel
That tonearm is known as the Helius Scorpio. If you do a search at Google there are a couple of web sites that pop up with specifications and images.

Wish I could offer more, I have not heard that model although it looks interesting.